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Contact Lenses Specialist

Brandywine Vision Associates, P.C.

Danielle DeAngelis, OD

Optometrist located in Royersford, PA

Contact lenses provide clear eyesight and comfort at the same time. At Brandywine Vision Associates, P.C. in Royersford, Pennsylvania, Danielle DeAngelis, OD, provides contact lenses for every need, including astigmatism and bifocal lenses. The practice carries leading contact lens brands like Bausch + Lomb, CooperVision, Acuvue®, and Alcon to give you a wide selection of today’s most innovative lenses. Book your appointment through the online scheduler or call the office today.

Contact Lenses Q & A

How can I get contact lenses?

The first step is a comprehensive eye exam at Brandywine Visions Associates, P.C., during which Dr. DeAngelis checks your eye health and determines your glasses prescription. Next, you have a contact lens exam. 

During this exam, Dr. DeAngelis takes specific eye measurements and then recommends the contact lens type that would work best for your eye shape and needs. For example, if you have astigmatism or usually need reading glasses, she can prescribe toric (astigmatism) lenses or bifocal contacts. 

You receive a pair of trial lenses to take home. Wear these lenses for one week to determine whether they’re comfortable and provide good vision. Then, Dr. DeAngelis can fill your ideal prescription based on your trial run. 

What kind of contact lenses are available?

Brandywine Vision Associates offers all the leading contact lenses, including:

  • CooperVision Biomedics®
  • Acuvue
  • Alcon Air Optix® and Focus®
  • Bausch + Lomb PureVision® and SofLens®

There are lenses for every need, so be sure to discuss your vision concerns with Dr. DeAngelis so she can make the right recommendations for you. Today’s innovative high-tech lenses can even reduce blurriness, halos, and glare, increase eye moisture in dry eyes, and much more.

How do I take care of my new contact lenses?

During your contact lens exam and fitting, Dr. DeAngelis explains proper lens care techniques based on the particular contacts you choose. For most contact lenses, the daily care routine is very simple. 


With daily lenses, you dispose of the lenses every night and use a fresh pair the next day. With extended-wear lenses, you can wear them continuously for 7-30 days, depending on your lens type and prescription. 


But, overnight wear isn’t right for everyone. Dr. DeAngelis may recommend that you remove your lenses each night, soaking them in a disinfecting solution overnight and rinsing them in a saline solution before placing them back in your eyes the next morning. 

Can I have both glasses and contact lenses?

It’s a smart plan to keep a pair of glasses in your current prescription, even if you wear contact lenses full time. If you ever develop eye irritation or even an eye disease, you need to stop using contacts until the issue resolves. If you have glasses on hand as a backup, you can give your eyes the rest they need to heal. 

To learn more about contact lenses or to arrange your contacts exam, call Brandywine Vision Associates, P.C., or book your appointment online now.